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Keeping Busy

Hey everyone! How’s it going? I know right now it’s really crazy and just overwhelming and scary. 

One of my favorite bible verses is Philippians 4:8. It says, “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” 

I like this verse because when I am feeling scared it tells me what God would want me to think about and how He would want me to feel. I know one thing my family has been doing in this season to help us fix our thoughts on things above, is finding creative ways to keep busy. 

My sister and I started our own tv show using iMovie! It’s called “Mission Impossible” and we release new episodes each week. Our dad also set up a stuffed animal zip line! That way we kept our stuffed animals busy too! Every day at lunch our mom reads us Narnia which we all enjoy. We just finished The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and now are on Prince Caspian. We also almost always have something to look forward to. 

One thing that I especially look forward to each Wednesday is a City Life Kids Life Group.  We have a zoom meeting each week, one for kindergarten-2nd and another for 3rd-5th. We catch up and talk about the past week and then we talk about the kids service we watched that past Sunday. 

What are some things your family has been doing to keep busy? Post them below and we can all adjust together!

Keep Smiling,



Gabby is a ten year old fifth grader at GAMP in South Philly. She loves playing the violin, singing, and debating any topic with anyone who will engage with her. Gabby started her own card making business, and loves all things crafty.