God’s Creation


On a dark and stormy night . . . nah, I’m just kidding. 😀 It was a hot and sunny day in Arizona. We (Mom, Dad, Jake and me) were at the Grand Canyon!!! 

It was beautiful! From the top looking down, you could see so many colors! There were many shades of red and spots of green trees and bushes. Most was brown, but the rocky cliffs were like a painting. From some spots, you could see a muddy murky Colorado River. 

Even better, my family and I went to the bottom of the Grand Canyon! Down there, it was mostly a rocky brown and not much red. There wasn’t much green either. I can guess why; it was like an oven down there! It must be too hot for plant life. The Colorado River was pretty much the same up close. The murky brown color never changed. 

Thinking about this reminded me of how carefully God created the Grand Canyon. 

“In His hand are the depths in the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him. 
The sea is His, for he made it, and his hands formed dry land.” Psalm 95:4-5

This verse is saying that God created everything! Canyons, mountains, oceans, dry land. Rivers, hills, the land people made your house on. Lakes, waterfalls, forests, deserts. He made everything you can think of! And that is a lot! 

I would recommend thanking God with prayer: 

“Dear God, you made it all; you can create even more. Please help me recognize your power through your creations. Amen.” 


Asher Hackenberg is 10 years old and in the 4th grade at Pan American Academy Charter School. She loves reading, drawing, and writing. Asher's favorite books are Harry Potter, The Miscalculations of Lighting Girl, and the Bible. She plans to be an author illustrator when she gets older. 

Asher Hackenberg