Brad and Leah Leach moved to Philadelphia in September 2010 with a dream to start a church where real people from all different backgrounds could experience the life-changing love of God. In September 2011 that dream became a reality as City Life Philly held its very first service at The Academy at Palumbo in South Philly. That first service was alive, fun, warm, and welcoming–an atmosphere we’ve done our best to recreate every weekend since.
For seven years we were a "portable church," meeting in three rented facilities throughout South Philly. During these formative years, God built a unique DNA into the life of our church. We learned what's possible through a committed Dream Team of volunteers, as faithful teams served week after week to set up and tear down our worship environments in temporary venues. Most importantly, God showed us that a church is not a building—it's a vibrant community of God's people, on mission together to serve the city.
In the fall of 2018 God provided a miracle for our young church. The members of Calvary Temple, a historic church in South Philadelphia, voted to give their building to City Life and be adopted into our church family. Because of their generous decision, we now gather every week in our first permanent location, and look forward to using this gift as a launching pad to serve Philly in practical and creative ways.
Today we’re more committed than ever to the goal of seeing lives changed by God. Our belief is simple: We grow spiritually when we love God, love people, and prove it. To accomplish that process, City Life offers contemporary, biblically-driven worship services that are alive with energy and inspiration, as well as excellent children’s ministry, dynamic Life Groups, and numerous serving opportunities on the City Life Dream Team.